The Common Cause Of Dark Circles And How To Alleviate Them

If you are tired of the dark circles under your eyes, read up. There are good creams that can help with such problems, but first you have to understand the dark eye circles themselves.

Not to worry, because you can get rid of these signs of aging. Even if they aren't your fault no one wants to look at these circles, after all they add years to your face, and even make you look unhealthy.

Sore Throat- Hot water Gargling with a pinch of turmeric, salt and 2 drops of ghee (clarified butter) soothes sore throat and can bring about rapid healing. You can repeat this 3- 4 times in a day.

Pitta Remedies - Cooling oils and herbs are ideal choices for Pitta skin types. It is easy to regain the natural luster and radiance. Neem, turmeric, manjistha, cucumber, Ghee for dark circles, coconut, khus, rose, and sandalwood etc are all herbs that can help. The skin care products with these herbs as ingredients are best choice for predominantly Pitta type skins. Pitta is hot and the diet should be cooling. Avoid acidic and heavily spicy food items.

Help facilitate the removal of toxins by "lubricating" the body. Before starting your actual cleanse, drink ghee or olive oil in some warm rice milk for 3-4 days. This helps to soften and lubricate the tissues and cells so the toxins release more easily.

Unfortunately, there is no cure-all solution for under eye circles but there are ways that you can avoid getting them and also some clever ways to hide them for that flawless look that everyone is striving for.

Before you can figure out which home remedies for dark circles under eyes are going to work for you, you need to understand what can cause these circles to occur. Although fatigue is one common cause, there are many others. You'll find that being congested can lead to dark circles as can the collection of fluid in the eyelids. Aging, lack of sleep, some skin conditions, anemia, allergies, and even lack of certain vitamins can lead to problems with dark circles. In order to treat this problem the right way, you'll need to know which of these things is causing your own problem.

A very quick alternative for you is to search for a very good eye cream that is proven to reduce the dark circles around eyes, taking away that old and tired look. However, not all eye creams are equal and some eye creams can also help you with wrinkles and pffiness around the eyes. Try to find a solution that has natural ingredients that work in harmony with your skin. This type of more info eye cream will be effective yet gentle on sensitive under eye tissue, unlike some harsh treatments that can include a lot of chemicals.

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